Operation: No More Bad Days!

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By Keanna Marquez

Challenge: I challenge you to read this entire blog post, (should take you less than 10 minutes)! 

We’ve all had our share of bad days and while I don’t think any of us really want to have bad days, I do think we’ve accepted them as part of our reality. Like having ‘bad days’ is part of life, it’s part of adulting, it’s part of growing up, but does it really have to be? I think part of growing up and adulting is having the power to choose exactly how you want your life to go and for me, my ideal and perfect life consists of zero negativity and therefore, zero bad days. I’d like to take some time to analyze these bad days, show you how my bad days have turned into good days, and explore what life would be like with no bad days at all! 

Key notes

  • Experiencing bad days is optional and avoidable!
  • Bad days are just days filled with bad energy
  • Find the things in your life that are hurting you, eliminate the bad energy in your life, experience fewer and fewer bad days!

My Past Experience with Bad Days: 

In my late teens to my early twenties I was living in a really dark and negative space. I wasn’t just having bad days, if you spoke to me during this time-period I probably would have described my entire life as “bad.” I walked through life in a bad mood, with negative thoughts constantly running through my mind. I was in a deep-deep hole with no clue how to turn my life around. 

As I entered into my mid twenties, life around me started changing. My husband and I bought a home, I had a great job, and I was pregnant! Unfortunately, even though these changes were great and really exciting, they didn’t stop or prevent the bad days from rolling in. At this point in my life I was still experiencing really bad days on a regular basis. This issue with these bad days is they would spiral. It would simply start with a bad thought, turn into a horrible day at work, turn into a flight with my husband at home, turn into a bad week, and could even extend longer than a few weeks. There were entire months in 2021 that I labeled as ‘bad!’

This spiraling was normal for me, it was part of the routine; I would experience extreme and extended periods of bad energy, try to pick myself back up and recover, then live in regret for the things that happened while I was feeling so low. Unfortunately, when you’re feeling low you tend to make a lot of bad decisions: you treat the ones around you poorly, treat yourself poorly, might fall behind on chores and other responsibilities, your healthy habits start to fade. It’s a real mess, a mess that takes a lot of time and energy to clean up and recover from. 

As a mom, a wife, and a person with extremely high goals for herself, I didn’t have time or energy to waste, therefore I knew it was time for change. If I wanted to be the best I could possibly be, in every area of my life, then I knew this bad energy and these bad days had to go! So, I started working and made it my life’s mission to eliminate all of the negativity in my life!

Present ‘Bad Days’

After living through so many bad days, I’ve learned quite a few things about them: 

  • They are a waste of life’s most valuable resources: time and energy.
  • They have the power to destroy relationships.
  • They have the potential to ruin your life.
  • Most importantly, they are avoidable. 

A bad day is a day filled with lots of bad energy and the bad energy is caused by certain people, tasks, or things in your life that are draining you. Therefore, if you get rid of the things or people in your life that are hurting you, you’ll eliminate the negativity in your life, and experience fewer and fewer bad days.

With this knowledge in mind, I set out to find the root causes of all the negativity in my life. I accomplished this by collecting and using my personal data to help me find all of the areas in my life where I was experiencing low energy levels. With the information provided by my data, I was able to see, very clearly, who and what it was in my life that was hurting me and from there I was able to implement very intentional changes and set intentional boundaries which helped to slowly eliminate all of the negativity in my life. For years I’ve repeated this cycle of collecting my personal data and then using it to help me improve my everyday life and after each cycle, I grow a little better, a little wiser, experience less and less negativity and experience fewer and fewer bad days. Learn more about this process in my book, “Your Life in Numbers!” 

Now, I categorize or label a day as ‘bad’ if my average energy level for the day drops below a five (energy is rated on a scale from 1-10, anything below five is considered “bad” or “low” energy). In 2023, I averaged about two ‘bad days’ a month, which is incredible! Incredible because I have this information at hand, I’m sure most people have no idea how many bad days they’re experiencing each month, and incredible because two days a month is so low, especially considering where I came from!

In this present day, I categorize ‘bad days’ as ‘good days’, especially through the lense of a data analyst because I now view these days as learning experiences! These ‘bad days’ aren’t the norm for me like they used to be, instead they’re anomalies and I’ve begun to find them fascinating! I take time to really study these ‘bad days’ and they excite me because not only is it a great learning experience, it’s an opportunity for growth! It means I’ve found an area in my life that needs my full attention and that’s exactly what it will get. This information will allow me to set new goals for myself and will allow me to grow in every area in my life until all of the negativity is gone forever! 

Futute ‘Bad Days’

In my book, “Your Life in Numbers,” I share a personal journal entry that I wrote a few years back titled, “Operation: No More Bad Days,” and it expresses the urgency and the reasons why I never want to have bad days ever again. I want to experience life to its fullest, I want to feel constant joy and happiness, I want to reach all of my goals, create incredible and lasting relationships with the people around me, soak in all of my time with my loved ones and so much more! I simply don’t have time or energy to waste on bad days and I’m praying and looking forward to the day where all my bad days are only a thing of the past. I want my future bad days to be non-existent!

 I want every day to be optimized, successful, and filled with nothing but love, happiness, and high energy! And I’m here to tell you that it IS possible. I’ve already gotten myself to a point where I can go weeks without experiencing a single bad day so allow me to be the proof you need, the living example of what life is like with no negativity and no bad days, and let me tell you, it’s incredible! It will take a lot of work, dedication, and intentionality, but it is possible and it is worth it. 

Learn more about how to eliminate the negativity in your life in my book, “Your Life in Numbers,” and get yourself to a point where you never experience a bad day ever again! Happy tracking!  

Challenge: I challenge you to close your eyes and to imagine what your life would be/ feel like with ZERO bad days! Once you awaken, if you’re feeling hopeful/ inspired, I challenge you to buy and read a copy of my book, Your Life in Numbers, on Amazon. Then, you can start working towards creating this life for yourself; a life with no negativity, no bad days, and exponential growth! 


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